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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Meet Louis "Toots" Pibble IV

Two weeks ago we received an email from Tessa at the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter, asking if we would come evaluate a pit bull that had recently come in--with a fractured leg. She knew this would be a special case for us--and we knew that the dog must be pretty special for her to be asking us, so off we went. In the dormant lobby on a Sunday afternoon, this little guy came scrambing through the door on his three working legs and proceeded to take turns burying his face in the lap of each stranger present. Typical pit bull, making it nearly impossible to say no. But we didn't say yes without subjecting him a few more tests, pinching his toes, bringing him out to meet a few dogs, and then, the ultimate challenge, a very controlled encounter with a crabby Jack Russell. Newly christened Louis (think French aristocracy) Toots (as in the Maytals) Pibble (you know) the IV (even though there is no other dog like him) is now recouperating from his amputation surgery and looking forward to a meeting with his new mentor, our three-legged wonder, Bella. If you'd like to contribute to his care, you can donate via PayPal.-s

1 comment:

Kari in Alaska said...

that is the cutest face! it makes my heart melt